Wednesday, 14 May 2014

You know you're in Africa when...

  • Your daughter packs away her toys by carrying them on her head to her room
  • Your husband makes a 14 hour trip over dirt roads with a leaking fuel tank held together by sacks and duck tape
  • You're walking on the sidewalk with your daughter and she asks "Mum, are they papaya seeds?" and your response is "No sweetie, that's goat poo."
  • Your two year old yells from the bathroom, "Do we have power? Can I flush?"
  • Your young children know how to greet in three languages
  • You're on a nice quiet walk as the sun is setting, just you, your family, and twenty giggling african kids close behind
  • Your husband, who loves the cold of northern America that he grew up in, says on an 90F day, "Wow, this weather today is nice!"

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