Saturday, 3 May 2014

Making New Traditions

We have never done anything intentional during Easter before. We have spent most of our Easters on the road, it seems. Last year, over the Easter long weekend we were driving back to Mozambique with a three week old Ambrose. This year, we stayed at home and started a new family tradition. I must now give a plug to Noel Piper's book "Treasuring God in our Traditions". It has good arguments for teaching our children about God through traditions and great practical ideas on how to do it.

So, taking Mrs. Piper's advice, each day a week before Easter we read parts of Jesus' journey to Jerusalem and to the cross, and it's surrounding events. We used toys from around the house and wire stick figure people to act out and to represent the stories. I have to say, it was the most meaningful Easter I've had, not to mention the impact it made on our young children (even though their favorite part was blowing out the candles each day…)

Thank you, Lord, for conquering death! He is risen!

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