Friday, 26 August 2016

Four in the Bed

We have been blessed with a lovely house to stay in while in Louisville. It has plenty of space, including two bunk beds. So it seemed like the time was right to put Anastasia in a big bed. She has done well. I think she likes being of the same sleeping status with her older siblings, plus the freedom of getting up on her own after her nap. There were a few times we've caught her roaming the house or have found a bunch of books in her bed. We've even found her sleeping underneath the bed on more than one occasion. But I think she's getting the hang of it.
Another milestone to celebrate. Goodbye pack-n-play, so long port-a-cot, nice knowing you, pea pod!

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Ballet Beauties

One of the most exciting shipments arrived today!
While we're in the States we are trying to take advantage of the opportunities we usually don't have in the bush of Africa. So when we found out about a three month ballet class for the girls I signed them up and ordered their uniforms the next day.

How beautiful. My excitement to see the new gear on rivaled the girls'!

Saturday Sweetness

If you remember me mentioning that Nate cooks dinner every Saturday night, over a fire, you might be even more impressed to learn that he also cooks a special breakfast every Saturday morning… Pretty Wow huh? 

We don't always have the chance to get amazing ingredients like the above - but when we do - you can be sure Nate will put them all together in one of his (should be famous) omelets.

So.. what does a mother do when she doesn't have to cook on Saturdays? Being that Saturday is our rest day, I enjoy taking some time to be creative. Below is a blanket that I worked on, on and off, for over a year - finishing just in time to give to Lilah for her 5th birthday before we departed for Australia. Lilah's reaction? Naming it and cuddling it all day. That was worth it. 

What a grace from the Lord it is to have a husband who loves his wife cheerfully. I claim no credit for it. It's because Nate loves God's Word and seeks to follow it with all of his heart. And it's because Jesus, the Lord of Nate's life, loved us first.

"And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us..." Ephesians 5:2

"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." Ephesians 5:25

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Bonfire Bliss

During our 2.5 years in the bush of Africa, we managed to make a tradition of Bonfire nights on Saturday nights. The kids would all help Nate gather wood and Nate would cook meat and potatoes over a fire. These are photos of our last Bonfire night before leaving on furlough (which we are currently on). We LOADED UP on meat left over from our trip through Malawi. Count your blessings!

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Ox Cart Boy

This was a drive-by photo I finally took after four years in Africa. I love the ox-drawn carts of Malawi.

And yes, the driver is most certainly posing :)