Thursday, 19 March 2009

The Australian Wild

We went camping in the Warrumbungles and this big guy tried to get into our tent. It's a goanna, and you can't really tell here but he's nearly as long as Jenni is tall!

The kangaroos were quite mild-mannered and they would just hang out around our campsite all the time.

This isn't just any bird, it is a kooo kooo kaaa kaaa kaaa kookaburra! They sound a bit like monkeys if you aren't from Australia. Several of them surrounded us while we were cooking dinner one night and stole some of our potatoes.

And these are the most dangerous of all... Milk calves. We were visiting friends on their farm, and as we were leaving one of these little guys jumped through the fence. Nate fled while Jenni coaxed him back into the paddock.